Wednesday, May 12, 2010

My Last Date with Strombo

First of all, can I marry Christopher Plummer and have his children? I wish.
What a great guest. Actually, he's going to be on today's episode of The Hour, whereas the other tapings that I saw will be aired next month or so. The other guest was Gord Downie of The Hip.

Today's taping was my last for the season. I went to more in the last 2 weeks than I have for the past 4 years or so! I highly recommend anyone to go and visit. It's really fun, but first of all, here are some tips for when you go to a taping.

- Don't be first in line : why? because if you're first in line, you'll usually be the first to enter the elevator, meaning you'll be stuck at the back of the elevator, meaning you won't be first in line when you wait in another line upstairs. You want to be closer to the front of the line at the big doors upstairs because that's where they start seating you. HOWEVER, sometimes this can fail. For some reason, they don't always use everyone who is at the front of the line to fill the good seats. Also, if there are a lot of VIP then they tend to fill the good seats first. Last week I got an awesome seat right at the front because they needed to fill up two seats. You win some, you lose some. It's harder to get a good seat if you're in a big group. But you never know!
- How do I win a prize? : They usually have a in-between guy giving away prizes. They are usually very random books and pasta, and things they got from Steven and Chris. If you want to win something, you gotta be loud. Even jump up and down. Do something that he'll notice you and you are more likely to win something. It's hard when there is a school group there because he likes to play around with them and sometimes focuses more on giving them prizes. Maybe it's not true, but it's an observation of mine.
- Enjoy the Sun Chips: There are free sunchips and guru energy drinks. Enjoy them, cause they are free and good stuff ;)
- Stay after the show: You can get photos with George and even take a photo on the red couches! So don't be shy ;)
- Fun Fact: You can go as many times as you like! You'll actually start to notice regulars... I speak from experience!

I think those are all the fun facts for now :)
I had fun walkin over to the CBC and watching The Hour. To bad Steven and Chris is sold out for the season... if only CBC Radio 3 did live tapings...could you imagine sitting through Craig's 4 hour show in a the tiny studio... good thing that it's pre-taped and not actually 4 hours... that's way to much time to be spending with Craig :p But perhaps I should give CBC a rest for now... they are going to start thinking I'm stalking the studios or planning something... hmm

Anyway, Christopher Plummer was amazing. Simply incredible. Not gonna lie, I totally wanted to jump him, but thankfully that side of me didn't kick in during the taping. He's such a well spoken man. Brilliant. And Gord Downie was on as well. A little slow at the beginning (the interview that is) didn't seem like he was really opening up at first, but then after a while he did. He mentioned loving the record store Sonic Boom which is right near where I currently live, and how he loves Bloor and Bathurst which is where I'm currently located... so that made me feel pretty special. :) It's a pretty happenin' area! I think I'll go exploring tomorrow :)

That is all for now,

keep smilin,


P.S : Tomorrow (today?) is my birthday :) Lots of fun to be had!! I'm going to be 24! woohoo! Stay tuned for all that fun and more..(i hope anyway....i might have to fancy it up in blog form :p)